Tuesday, November 30, 2004
~ 9:30 pm ~
***____j0b huNting
hmmmx...t0dAe wEnt t0 find j0bS wif zhEn,ah huAy,min hui,pEy shy n i-liN...hehex...actuAlly iS met at 10am de...dEn i actuAlly is rEach dere punctuAlly de k..buddEn diN wAn t0 wAit s0 l0ng...s0 wEnt t0 finD zhEn..shE g0 pAy biLLs mahz...dEn nd t0 queue mAhz..den in thE end aRd 10.20 am dEn went t0 mEEt dEm...
hmmmx...1st destinAti0n wAs jur0ng...we sAt deRe wait f0r thE bus t0 cum...wAit till nearly 12 le likE nv cum like tt...s0mem0re sAw zX..~!! 0mG...dEn we weNt 0ff g0 eAt luNch... piZZa huT~!! eAt finish le dn we sAt inside l00k at th0se newspapers dEn caLL l0rx...hmmx..diN bring muCh $$.. s0 in thE end after payiN i wAs left wif less dAn $1 >.<>
0ur next dEstinAti0n wAs bkt mErah...s0me kiNd 0f aGEncy..hee...dEn filled up th0se f0rms le jiu wEnt 0ff l0rx..hehex...
t00k a bus t0 city haLL...dEn fRm dEre we walked t0 cLak quAy...0n thE way..it rAined..s0 bAd...dEn pey shy,min hui n i-lin wEnt 0ff f0r thEir interviEw firx...
s0 wE wEnt t0 0rchArd..g0 meet ah huAy's wAiter..hmmx..wAlked t0 hEErEn bleah..0n the way min hui caLLed mE...sAid thAt she caLLed ah huAy but shE din answEred..0ne thing lEarnt: shE t00 buSy t0kin t0 thE eugEne lia0z...hehex...
hmmmx..f0und eLs0n dEy all..but diN stAy f0r l0nG...ah huAy n the wAiter went 0ff fiRx..humph..stiLL sAy wAd wan us pEi dEm...she stiLL pS...bLeahz..den mE n zhEn wEnt waLk waLk f0r a whiLe..but as0 din waLk f0r l0Ng larx...c0z 2 0f us t00 tired le..s0 went h0me l0rx...
din eAt dinnEr..hehex...my dAd b0ught satay f0r us...dEn my aunt caLLed..t0ld mE g0 0nliNe finD j0b...g0vt de baz...c0z mY uncLe w0rkin dEre mahz...s0 ask mE g0 appLy sEE sEE...
haz...h0pE cAn finD j0b quickLy baz...hee..
Friday, November 26, 2004
~ 4:07 pm ~
hmmmz...t0dAe 11+ dEn w0kE uP...sAw xH's mSg askiN me wAn g0 cAtch m0viE an0tx...hehex...but nV g0 in thE end hahaz...
wEnt t0 iMM wif mY grAndm0ther..she wan buy riCe c00kEr...in thE enD...shE nv buy...c0z she tiNk th0se ricE c00kers n0 gd...aLL fRm chinA...bLeahx...dEn zhEn mSged mE aSk me t0dAe wAn g0 fiNd j0b wif hEr an0tx..hmmmx..nV g0 l0rx...c0z i 0utside mahz..hehex...
WaLked ard giAnt..hahaz...b0ught mAny snAcks..i'd haf wan t0 stAy dere l0ngEr..but my grAndm0thEr g0in t0 visit mY auNt...c0z shE iLL le...s0 in thE end went h0me l0rx..n0w bEry tiRed...tiNk i sLp t00 much le hahaz...
Thursday, November 25, 2004
~ 3:12 pm ~
***____back =>
hehex... my c0m finally 0k lia0z...c0unted,,at lEast 3 wks nv 0nlinE le!! hehex...hmmmx...
yesterdae wAs grAd nitE...afteR the tAlk in thE m0rnin..wEnt t0 0rchard wif xh n ryL..pEi ryl g0 buy thE cl0thes she g0in t0 weAr t0 grAd nite..hmm..rEached h0me at 3+..quite tired..but cann0t g0 sLp hahaz..t00k a sh0wer le dEn wenT t0 mH's hSe wif xh n ryL...den pEysy n ilin 0readi dere le...mh's sis bEry de cute~!!! hehex..dEn aftEr finishin de thinGs we did quite laTe le..s0 we t00k a taXi t0 chevR0ns.. hmmx...dEn kh,pAt n ss arrivEd juz aftEr us l0rx...
hmmx...cAn sAe 0vEraLL thE wh0le thiNg quite 0k l0rx...evEn th0ugh eAt le as0 n0t bEry full hahaz...dEn g0t 1 0r tw0 waitErs dEre quite ha0 kAn w0r...hehex... hmmm dEn kh 0t taKE f0t0 wif 1 0f the wAiters...tuRned 0ut he wAs xh's frEn's fRen...hehex...t00k quitE a n0 0f piCs as0...hehex...
dEn rEach h0me quite latE le l0rx...dEn bEry tiRed as0...s0 juz wEnt stRaight t0 sLp...t0dAe bery laTe den w0ke uP...hehex...bery hungRy n0w...tiNk i shAll g0 find sth eAt...