***____puBlic h0lidAy = g0 0ut
hehe...t0dAe quite eArly jiu wAke uP le aRz..g0t w0keN up by my bAby c0usiN >.<>
hmmm...wEnt t0 pAsiR pAnjAng..mY gRandm0ther g0 dEre buy s0me nEw yr g00dieS..actuaLLy tiNk by thAT timE all eat finiSh le aRz..anyw shE sAe eat finisH nvm..she will buy agAin arx..c0z she n0e wE likE t0 eAt piStachi0s de arx..s0 vEry yR muz buY al0t 0f thAt as0..hahaz.. yuMMy~!
dEn suN biAn g0 fiNd my dAddy aRx..s0 ke lian..stiLL 0t w0rk 0n pubLic h0l aRX..but b0 biAn arx..hE actuaLLy caN g0 0ff wHen hE likE arx..dun0 y hE stAy deRE hahaz...s0 wE wEnt t0 chiNat0Wn aRx..but s0 mAny ppL >.<>
dEn wE g0 eAt r0asted duCk riCe..n yAm pAstriEs~! yuMMy~!! very niCe as0 arx... hehex...aftEr thAt jiu g0 h0mE le aRz..hehex...
Thursday, January 20, 2005
~ 6:40 pm ~
gettin m0re n m0re irritated n0w..i as0 dun0 y.. t0dae 0n mRt trAin 0n thE wae h0me.. g0t a gER daMn irritatin... shant elab0rate 0n it aNym0re..m00d n0t very gd n0w...
haiz...shall update an0thEr timE
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
~ 6:45 pm ~
***____nGee Ann p0Ly
0k.. wEnt t0 ngee ann poly t0dae... got 0pen hse dere..hmmm.. den g0 dEre disTributE flyers f0r my c0mpany..t0ught w0uld b fun arX.. c0z wh0le dAe stAY at c0mpany as0 siAn..nAn de can cum 0ut arx..hahaz..but g0 dere as0 abit siAn lehx..dere quite big..jiA shaNg mE m0rning stiLL g0t abit 0f fever arx..wah.. siAn dia0... 0k.. at least g0t see 1 shuAi gE arx~! hahaz..k.. many gd l0kkin de..but tiS 0ne excepti0nally shuAi.. he shLd b fm the mArketin tt pArt de aRx..hahaz..den he smiLed at me~! hahaz..k st0p t0kin abt him le.. i 0nli sae he shuAi..nth eLse hahdaz...
distributE finish le g0 waLk ard..wEnt t0 th0se b00ths arx..nth much intErest mE th0ugh..thE ppL quite frenLy larx..den wEnt bac 0fficE l0rx..
g0 h0me tt timE 0n thE tRain arX.. saW a bery ruDe indiAN gEr..0k.. s0 i biAs arx..dun liKE indiaN gErs much aRx..c0z dey aLwaes bery rude arx..see..0n thE tRain as0 g0t tiS gEr hu aCt As wEnWen in thAt happy fiSh seriAl arx..the gEr g0 in le arx..exclaim s0 l0udly t0 hEr m0the den aftEr thAt keep stArin at her lehx.. n0n-st0p de... sia0..s0mem0re standin beside me..kn0cked int0 me a fEw times still dun wan ap0l0giSe..tiS feW daYs m00d 0readi n0t tt gd le still likE thAt >.<
k.. enuf t0kin abt hEr..my hAnd bEry suAn n0w..shld siGn 0ff liA0z
Monday, January 17, 2005
~ 6:53 pm ~
0kiEx...s0 n0w my intErnet 0k le...s0t s0t de..hahaz... s0 l0ng nv update lia0z....like quite a few wks lia0z hahaz...
hmmm... g0t al0t t0 update...bac frm chalet yesterdae..shld be g0t al0t 0f thinGs t0 update arx...but i dun feel like it n0w.. =X hahaz...can 0nli sae... de chalet was fuN baz..? hahaz...still i g0t thE same 0ld thing t0 saE arx... i still luV the sEa al0t arx...hahaz...hmmmx...even th0ugh the chale at a n ulu ulu place..hahaz....k larx..i shall st0p here..c0z i cum herE 0nLi t0 sAe mY internet 0k le.. ^^