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Monday, February 28, 2005
~ 6:55 pm ~
hmm.. s0 g0t bAc my rEsuLts lia0z... L1R5 17.. L1R4 13.. bleahz.. 0k larx.. at least n0 Cs... =X cAn saE m0St sAtisfiEd iS my eNg n chEm baz.. c0z wAsnt eXpectin a 2 f0R eng.. n thAt i c0uLd pAss f0r my chEm.. hehex.. at lEast g0t 2 As -.-

hmm.. n0w i as0 dun0 whEre t0 g0 le.. c0z xiA0hui dEy all wEre likE.. g0 pj larx.. dEn p0ly n0w as0 quite diff t0 ch00se c0uRse.. bleahz.. dEn iAn sae bAsically g0 p0Ly i eVEry c0uRse as0 cAn tAke lia0z.. s0 mA fAn..

s0mem0re dEy giF uS 12 0pti0ns.. wah lau.. s0 mAny.. g0nna hAf a hArd timE tinkin sia..

at lEast th0Se kp0s haben call yEt.. bEtter still if dEy dun caLL.. dun wAn t0 t0k t0 dEm..

mAyb tiS resuLts n0t c0nsidEred vEry gd.. but well.. whEn i aSked arD.. my frEnz fRm 0ther schs.. s0me nv d0 thAt well as0.. p00r thiNg.. 1 fAiled hEr eNg.. huhz.. mY c0uSin fAiled hEr mAths -.-

well.. mayb can b c0nsiDered lucky as0 le baz.. nv gEt m0re dAn 20.. i wAs likE.. kEep eStimAtin wAd my grades w0uld b tiS fEw daex.. at lEast n0w gEt le.. dun nd t0 bE s0.. wAd as0 le baz..

n0w de thiNg iS t0 dEcide t0 g0 jC 0r p0ly.. g0 p0ly.. whiCh c0uRse t0 tAke.. bleahz.. siAnz.. duN fEel likE w0rkin tml as0..

Sunday, February 27, 2005
~ 9:56 pm ~
***____jX's bdAe`
hmm.. yeSterdAe wEnt 0ut.. alm0St wh0Le dAe aRx.. cElebRate xiAng's bdAe ^^ even th0ugh hE n0t yEsterdae bdAe arx hahaz..

w0ke uP dAmn eArly.. see.. sAcrificE my beAuty slp f0r him hahaz =P wEnt pAt's hSe fiRx.. b0rr0w hEr swiMmin c0stumE..dEn wE wEre lAte aRx.. c0z wE meetiN dEm at 10.30am.. g0t mE, pAt, xiAng, dinE, ch00n kiat, ee teng, wee kian, jeffrey g0..dEn wE reAch dEre likE aRd 10.40 lia0z?? hahaz.. but wE n0t thE latest arx.. thE h0ngqI lAtest.. brEak rec0rd~! wAited f0r ard an hR f0r hiM.! dA pai arx hahaz..but wE niCe ppl arX.. b0 biAn.. dEn aftEr thAt we headed f0r thE jur0ng swimminG c0mpLex arx..

hmm.. reAched dEre arD 1+?? hmm.. dEn xiAng gAve uS uSe hiS suntAn l0ti0n.. hahaz thX s0 muCH hahaz..aNywAy juz playEd aRd l0.. quitE fuN baz.. evEn th0uGh n0t sh0u wif m0St 0f dEm.. but well.. dEy duN leAve u 0ut as0 de baz.. hehex... aftEr thAt yiNg siEw n shAn j0ined us..

aftEr thAt we atE kFc arx.. dEn xiAng 0redEred 2 cAnadiAn pizzAs.. aTe 1 sliCe nia.. c0z eAt de kFc le jiu vEry full lE.. hahaz.. pAt arx.. gReedy hahaz.. atE s0 mUCh in thE end st0machaChe.. hehex..

wEnt juR0ng pt.. we wAnted t0 waTch h0wl's m0vinG cAstle n de fEng shui aRx.. but thE g0ldEn viLLage deRe.. s0 lAn..~! nV aiR thiS 2 m0viEs.. s0 we wEnt cauSewAy wAtch l0..

dEn g0t mE, pAt, xiAng, ch00n kiAt, wEe kiAn n i-4g0t-his-name wAtch thE h0wl's m0ving castle l0.. den dinE, jEff n h0ng qi wAtched fEng shui...

dE h0wL's m0ving cAstlE quitE nice sh0w aRx.. hehex.. dEn whEn de s0rceRer firx appeAr arx.. juz wEnt.. ha0 shuai~! hehex.. fa huA chi hahaz =X hmm.. 0vErall n0t bAd larx.. g0t s0me fuNNy pArts as0.. hEhex..

aftEr thE m0viE.. wEnt t0 mEet huAy, shEryl n cAndy.. hehex.. dEn dEy aSked pAt g0 tAke a n0ther pizzA arx.. c0z dEy eAt le de staff nv tAke bAc de receiPt.. s0 dEy g0 claim.. tAke lia0z dEy givE xiAng.. hahaz..

hmmm.. aftEr thAt went h0Me le l0.. hehex..

Friday, February 25, 2005
~ 6:20 pm ~

hAppy biRthdAy t0 anDy k0r~!!

hmm.. t0dae w0ke uP le den mSg andy wiShed him hAppy bDae.. din giF him my hP n0 when i chnGE hP aRX..n hE asked whEther i siEw ling~!! huhz.. but well.. cant blame him as0.. s0 damn l0ng nv t0k t0 him le arz.. hahaz..

n ah g0ng.. mSged mE tellin mE results cumin 0ut 0n m0n.. asked mE i nErv0uS?? n hE trIed t0 make mE nErv0us -.-" tRied lia0z den tRied t0 'c0mf0rt' mE.. c0z i'm hiS ba0 bEi sun nu bleahz.. ba0 bEi jiu wuN tRy t0 mAke mE nErv0us as0 le.. l0l..

hEard a j0ke t0dae in the 0ffiCe.. it hAd evEry0nE luffin.. excEpt mE.. s0 i dun0 iS mE abn0rmal 0r thE 0thers abn0rmal..?? s0 ppl.. tell mE iF its funny... den i'd n0e hu's abn0rmal.. hahaz..hEre g0es..

dEre's 0ne cAt.. whiCh iS vEry g00d at finDin itS wAy h0me.. dE 0wnErs hAte it al0t.. evRytimE dEy abAnd0n it.. it wiLL always cum bAc..

0nE dAe.. thE 0wnEr g0t s0 fEdup thAt hE juz t00k thE cAt n dR0ve t0 a plAce whiCh iS vEry vEry VEry vEry fAr awAe frm thEir h0me..

evEnin cAme.. thE 0Wner called hIs wifE n aSked.. "hAs thE cAt cum h0me yEt??"

hiS wife sAid.. "yA.."

thE 0wnEr saiD anGrily.. "aSk thE cAt t0 cum t0 the f0ne~!!! i'vE l0st my wAy!!"

huhz.. vEry funny mehx.. i still dun tiNk itS funny...

siAnz.. rEsuLts cumin 0ut le.. shLd really enj0Y tiS fEw dAes fiRx.. s0 am l00kin 4wArd t0 tml as0..

wAnna wAtch white n0ise n a m0ment t0 remember.. any1 wAn g0.. ji0 mE arx...

miN hui: u stiLL 0wE mE bdAe present ritex.. hehex.. i sAw tiS thing calleD zEn 0n an aD t0dae.. s0me s0rt 0f likE ip0d.. *hiNt hiNt* hahaz.. t00 eXp larx h0h.. weLL.. kAn zhE baN baz.. =P

Thursday, February 24, 2005
~ 9:40 pm ~
bAbiEs. dEy dun huRt u. dEy cant anywAy.

mE muM n i As t0kin abt.. wAd we w0uld d0 aftEr li0neL's g0ne h0me.. de famiLy's kAi xin gu0. wE wAtched him gr0w.. evEn whEn he g0eS h0me 0n wkends.. we'd stiLL miSs him tErribLy. hE's pArt 0f 0ur livEs.

gReat. hE's g0in h0me s00n. stArt 0f aPriL. n hE livEs at thE 0ther end 0f siNgap0re. likE tampineS? h0w r we g0in t0 viSit him? hE's g0in t0 f0rgEt uS s00n.. aftEr hE g0es h0me. cant bLame him. hE's thE baby.

hE's de 0nli 1 hu c0uld st0p uS fRm d0in things.. evEn whEn we r bzi. wAtch him pLay. t0k abt him. s0 cute. s0 inn0cent. he entErtainin. evEn bettEr dAn thE tv.

juz likE wad my ah mA sae. hE's g0in t0 dAzzLe gErs wif thAt smilE 0f hiS when hE gR0ws up. yupz. i blive hEr. bc0z hE 0readi dAzzled the 4 fEmales in the fAmily.. y0ung n 0ld. evEn the guys. likE my dAd. hE d0nt smiLe muCh at thE 0thErs wh0m my mum babysAt f0r. wif the excEpti0n 0f li0neL. him al0ne. cAn chngE uS. n we in turn. chNge him.

g00d b0y.

~ 8:56 pm ~
gEttin miXed up lia0z.. i tink i pr0miSed t0 g0 0ut wif 3 gRpx/ppl.. 0n sAt.. 1 iS celebrate jX's bDae.. thE 0ther.. pr0miSed t0 wAtch A M0ment T0 Remember wif nana 0n sAt.. ha0 bu r0ng yi f0und s0me1 g0 wif mE.. n mArg.. t0 buy jx's pRezzie..

mixed it uP.. t0ught jx's bDae's nxt wk?? hahaz.. nvm.. i tinK at m0st he gEt his pRezzia late nia.. aS f0r the m0vie.. dun0 wAd t0 d0 as0.. juz h0pe nana will 4get as0?? hahaz.. 0r pp0stp0ne it 0r sth.. bleahz..

haben evEn tell my m0ther g0in 0ut 0n sAt t0 that jur0ng swimmin c0mpLex.. dun0 if shE will all0w as0..

mAyb timE shld st0p f0r mE ritE n0w.. dReadin m0n as0.. dReadin evEryting.. hell.

~ 6:59 pm ~
s0 sianz.. tiS few dAys in 0ffice.. rarely t0uch thE c0mpuTer.. c0z dEy ruShin 0ut the g00ds f0r m'siA.. hAd t0 hElp 0ut wif the pr0ducti0n.. t0dae finally finiShed lia0z.. but end 0f nXt wk hAf t0 c0mplete an0ther bAtch 0f g00ds.. f0r US.. tirin lehx.. hahaz..

yEsterdae iAn wAs very afRaid the g00ds wun be c0mpleted 0n timE.. s0 hE asked hiS gf piNg piNg cum hElp 0ut.. wAh.. din n0e hiS gf s0 pretty de.. hahaz.. but tink she g0t sm0ke as0 de arx.. muz b iAn.. g0 teach her.. hahaz.. shE likE very quiet likE that as0.. when we t0k she liKE diAm diAm thAt kind arx.. den t0dae iAn t0ld mE piNg pinG t0ld him i duN l00k liKe i waitiN f0r resuLts.. l00ked m0re likE i sEc 2.. -.- bleahz..

t0dae accidentally bit my liPs.. my lips 0readi dRy enuff.. dEn bit lia0z it bled.. s0 muCh bl00d.. hahaz.. dEn dEy t0ld me t0 dRink m0re wAter.. tiS fEw daes mR tAy's in a vEry gd m00d.. dEy sAe iS bc0z am heLpin him wif the acc0unts.. s0 i dun0 whEther t0 tell dEm thAt i duN feel liKe w0rkin anym0re..?? juz dun feel likE d0in anythin at the m0ment arx... hahaz...

hAd tw0 dReamz yEsterdae.. de fiRx 1 wAs s0 ridicul0us.. hahaz.. '0's supp0sed t0 b 0ver.. we r 0readi wAitin f0r 0ur resuLts.. n i dReamt thAt i wAs still sittin f0r the eXam and f0rg0t t0 bRing the entRy pr00f! =S h0w lame iS thAt.. den drEamt went t0 the pRincipAl's 0ffice wif yuNjiE.. n shE din wAn t0 heLp me~!! l0lx.. in the eNd.. when the eXam 0ver.. thE examinEr sAid n0 nd eNtry pr00f de.. hahaz.. stupid dReam..

dEn the 2nd dReam.. hahaz.. nth muCh t0 sae abt it actuaLLy.. exCept thAt i wAs really very happy in thAt dReam.. hahaz.. n dey sae dReamz r thE 0pp0site 0f reality ritE.. s0 i guEss tiS dReam wun cum tRue dEn.. ha.. shLd st0p dReamin abt thAt...n thAt firx dReam.. well.. in reaLity its 0ver lia0z... hahaz..

ah huAy: hee.. tiNk i still c0uldnt d0 it?? i n0e i shld arx.. but well.. =P

Tuesday, February 22, 2005
~ 5:04 pm ~
hmm.. t0dae.. g0 cRash pJ.. quite siAn as0..?? =X

nAnA t0Ld mE.. whEn mE n min hui lat.. sEan wantEd t0 pAng sEh uS.. din n0e he liKE thAt de.. blEahz.. weLL.. rEach dEre lia0z g0t fEn sAn frm min hui dEy all.. s0 went wif nana t0 claSs r00m bl0ck de t0ilet.. g0t 1 tEacher cAme.. shE din sAe anythiN.. she juz wEnt int0 the t0ilet.. l0L..

hmm.. dEn dEy g0t assEmbly.. hahaz.. c0uldnt finD min hui dey all.. juz sAt dwn wif the 0ther gErs hu cRashed.. frm an0ther sch de.. dEn tErence j0ined uS.. aftEr thAt wEnt t0 cantEen eAt.. vErY hungRy arx..

dEn thE tabLe wAs liKe s0 squEezy?? s0 many ppl shArin 1 tAble.. likE n0 0ther table like that as0.. g0t mE.. gEraldine.. nana.. miN hui.. i-liN... marg.. sEan..chEng hAn.. n tt jAs0n.. n itS waS likE pRactically n0 spAce l0r..

t0dae g0 dEre.. cRashed 1 lEctuRe 0nli.. s0mem0re mAths.. *b0rin* hahaz.. afTEr tHAt lEcuRe we went bAc t0 canteen.. sat dEre.. wAit f0r mArg.. afTEr thAt g0 de c0nc0urse dere aRx..dEn mArg sAe n0 pE~!!! g0 cRash hEr sch mAinly f0r hEr pE as0 de arx.. den wE were likE sian dia0a s0 arx..

hmmm...dEn we wan g0 l0t 1 mahz.. den dEy askEd de cheng han n jAs0n.. h0neStly.. i dun0 h0w cum dEy can tAke s0 l0ng t0 dEcide whEther wAn g0 wif uS an0tx.. s0mem0re walk uNtil vEry sl0w lehx.. =X

bleahz.. rEach l0t 1 le in the end all weNt h0me.. exCept f0r mE min hui i-lin n cHeng hAn.. in the eNd chEng hAn went 0ff as0.. hE g0 mEet mEiling.. dEn i-liN n min hui eAt arx.. dEn wAit till quite siAn as0 le arx.. after thAt g0 find maRg.. wAlked aRd l0t 1 awhile jiu g0 h0me le.. din wAn t0 g0 h0me.. but evEryb0dy g0in h0me le arx.. s0 b0 biAn.. 0h ya.. i-liN sAiD i likE thiN d0Wn le?? hahaz.. *unbelivable* =X

0k larx.. t0dae actually still n0t thAt bad baz.. hahaz

Monday, February 21, 2005
~ 9:05 pm ~
0k.. i guEss.. sth freaky happened t0dae.. n0t 0nce.. but twiCe.. n i'm h0pin ppl 0ut dere get tiS t00.. den mayb itS nth mUCh.. hee.. hmmm.. firx time iT happened in the 0ffiCe?? well.. dEre shLd b sth wr0ng wif the c0mputEr 0r sth.. i dun0 as0.. hmm.. i uSe de c0m mahz.. nD t0 c0py n pAste sth.. den c0py lia0z cliCk pAste lia0z wAd came 0ut wAsnt wad i c0pied..

"dun be lazy n c0py c0py c0py lar.. type it 0ut urself larx"

bleah.. it was sth liKE that anyway.. n i wAs liKE.. mayb iT was a miStake.. den i chEck whetHEr th0se winD0ws n mY mSn all g0t thIs stupid thing an0t.. n dey dun haf.. tRied a few m0re times.. still g0t the sAme thiNg.. den afEr tHAt dun0 h0w cum jiu suddenly c0m bAc t0 n0rmal le.. am i juz paran0id 0r wad..

cuM bAc h0me as0 likE that.. but 0nli f0r a sh0rt whilE 0nli.. bleahz.. tiS is n0t a gd thiNg.. h0pE nxt time un likE that lia0z hahaz..

~ 10:07 am ~
***____gReat~!! =)
hehe.. tiS time.. mayb i really g0t 0ver him le?? hAd a gd talk wif huAy laz nitex.. she really w0ke mE up.. rEgret nv t0k t0 her earlier.. ha.. *muAckx* thX huAy~!!

shE dashed my h0pes.. but thAT wAs a gD thing.. =) realiSed he wAs 0nly uSin mE.. humph.. bAd b0y.. hahaz.. but nvm..wAd wAs 0nce a beautifuL frenship.. g0ne le.. thAt wAS 0ne thing i rEgretted as0.. if 0nly nth happened.. hmm.. n0w everythin iS s0 diStant le..

shldnt haf been greedy n t00k wad wasnt mine.. ha.. but anyway.. ah huAy.. w0 zAi ci xiAng ni bia0 bAi.. luv u s0 mUCh~!! haahz *muShy* hahaz.. =) *muAcks* really.. thX al0t..

Saturday, February 19, 2005
~ 8:21 pm ~
***____feeLin.. ??
bleahx.. i as0 dun0 h0w i feel n0w.. itS.. undescribAble.. itS.. definitEly n0t hAppy.. c0nFusEd?? yuCkx... duN likE it.. r u vEry afRaid tt i wiLL tEll ppl.. 0r r u afRaid she will n0e..?? huhz.. n0w my hSe n0 m0re ch0c0latEs lia0z.. bAd thiNg.. ha.. diN eAt f0r liKE the wh0Le dAe yEsterdae.. ya.. i wAs hungRy.. but i diN feel likE eatin?? hahaz.. 0k.. itS gettin m0re n m0re nEgativE lia0z.. shall st0p hEre..

Thursday, February 17, 2005
~ 8:09 pm ~
***____CrasH MI
ha..t0dae t00k wh0le dae lEave g0 cRash MI.. wif mArg n miN hui.. miN hui wAs lAte~!! hahaz.. hmm.. rEached deRe.. juz g0 j0in in yunjiE's cLass.. hahaz.. aftEr thAt went bac t0 hEr class f0r wAd interactivE less0n 0r sth..

hEr tEacher sAw mE.. hahaz.. niCe tEAcher~!! hahaz.. hE juz aSked.. "u n0t frm tiS sch wan ritE??" hahaz.. dEn hE asked.. "u p0n sch t0 cum hEre arx??" l0Lx.. den yunjiE t0ld him i currently n0t studyin n0w.. hahaz.. hEr classmAtes very lAme as0 arx.. sAe i register n0 35 lia0z.. bleahz..

after thAt g0 cRAsh nana'S mAths lecture.. we were like.. the lAst fEw t0 g0 in?? hahaz.. n0 m0re places t0 sit.. s0.. sat at the bac r0w.. n.. t0k~!! hahaz.. t0k t0 mArg al0t t0dae.. hahaz.. dEn nxt less0n g0 cRash yuNjie's lecture.. mAthS again.. siAnz hahaz.. =X dEn t0k t0 yun jiE n leechiu?? hahaz.. actually de timE like pAss quite fAz?? mayb bc0z kEpt t0kin baz...

den bReak time g0 libRary.. wh0le gRp juz sat dere n t0k.. m0re abt the m0e that letter thinGy.. after that went t0 eAt arx.. g0t 2 RGS gErs queuin in fRnt 0f uS t0k till vEry l0ud.. hahaz.. sAe she called m0e.. m0e saE n0t tRue arx.. l0Lx..

after thAt g0 cRash nana's phy lecture.. played biNg0.. hahaz.. den t0k l0r.. bery siAnz.. s0 hElp nana c0py n0tes hahaz.. sEE i s0 niCE~! =X dun likE her lecturer.. t0k s0 muCh crAp..

after sch went t0 causewAy pt eAt.. m0s burGEr~!! yummy hahaz.. dEn t00k thE buS 168 g0 tEmasek p0ly.. k larx.. quite fAr.. but n0t siAnz.. c0z t0k mahz.. n '0rdered' quite a n0 0f mmS frm yunjie.. c0z n0w m1 g0t free mMs pr0m0ti0n mahz.. 5pm t0 9pm send mmS free.. n0t includin the GPRS rates.. k larx.. even th0ugh till 28 fEb 0nli.. but still quite hua suAn.. hahaz

bAsically g0 tEmasek p0ly as0 nv d0 anythin.. juz walked ard.. dEre de f0untain quite niCe as0.. nXt t0 bed0k rEserv0ir.. s0 quite windy.. wAnted t0 g0 t0 the reserv0ir.. but yunjie nD t0 g0 h0me arx.. s0 nV g0 =( hahaz

de tRip bAc t0 w00dlands.. quite siAN.. liStened t0 miN hui's mp3... thE s0ngS.. tRiggEred 0ff maNy mEm0riEs.. bleahz.. anyway reach w00dlands le den at tRain stAti0n saw jAc, maRg n xia0 hui~!! actually wAnted t0 j0in dem de arx.. c0z dun feel liKE g0in h0me yEt.. but inside tRain stati0n le.. s0 b0 bian...

hahaz.. agReed wif miN hui, nAna n sEan t0 cRash pJ 0n tuEs.. my mum sAe 0k lia0z.. n0w juZ need t0 tell b0Ss..

t0ught abt al0t 0f thiNgs durin the pAst fEw daes.. mAyb.. i shLd really juz gif uP.. likE wAd de 0thers sAid.. thE p0ssibilty 0f dem gettin bAc t0gether is quite hiGh.. s0.. n0 pt lia0z baz.. ha.. at leAst he wAs miNe.. even f0r 0nli a sh0rt peri0d.. 0k.. n0t minE.. but.. well.. hE made me happy f0r a sh0rt whiLe.. th0ugh i dun tink hiS heArt evEr lEft hEr.. evEn when we mEt the 0ther dae.. juz fElt.. hE wAs s0 distAnt lia0z.. nth m0re i can sae as0 le..

Wednesday, February 16, 2005
~ 3:54 pm ~
0k..n0w w0rkin.. b0red lehx.. hmm.. had lunch wif iAn juz n0w.. t0dae de c0m bery lag.. internet s0mem0re.. br0adband lehx.. pacific internet c0nnecti0n lan arx..

0h ya.. btw.. tmL g0in temasek p0ly.. any1 wAn g0?? its fAr ya.. but g0 see see 0nl larx.. suN biAn g0 cRash MI wif min hui..any1 wAn g0 wif uS?? hehe.. wAn g0 muz mSg me 0r min hui by t0nite.. c0z tiNk i t0nite slpin early.. hahaz..

negAtive th0ughts fillin my miNd again -.- tinkin t00 muCh again..when wiLL tiS ever st0p.. 0k.. crApz agAin..i g0 0n s0mem0re will begin t0 cRap..

bleahz.. tiNk i g0 bac t0 w0rk baz..

Monday, February 14, 2005
~ 4:32 pm ~
aaaaaa... fallin aslp s00n.. -.- n0w w0rkin ar.. wh0le dAe sit in fRnt 0f c0m.. bery siAn lehx.. tired till i can fall aslp le.. ha.. juZ n0w lunch g0 eAt cuRRy Fish hEad.. aey.. n0t bad lehx.. hahaz.. hmm.. muz cRap abit here.. if n0t i fAce th0se figures i g0nna slp lia0z hahaz...s0bx.. i wAn g0 h0me..slp.. haha =X

Sunday, February 13, 2005
~ 11:27 pm ~
0k. tmL's vAlentiNEs dAe.. tiNk am stAyin at h0me?? ha.. duN feel likE g0in sEan's hSe as0 le.. latEr sA0 thEir xing?? =X hahaz.. n0t feelin vEry gd n0w.. bleah.. hahaz.. hmm.. tiNk i gEttin siCk again.. s0re thra0t cumin lia0z.. eat t00 muCh g00dies..

anywAy.. happY vAlentinE's dAy.. zhu th0Se c0upLes gd luCk n chang chang jiu jiu ba..

~ 10:51 pm ~
***____auNt'S hSe
l0l.. wAs w0kEn uP by a bAd dReam.. agAin.. hahaz.. tiS few dAys all likE thAt.. evEn th0ugh de drEams arE diff.. but thE pT 0f it wAs de sAme.. buddEn tiS dReam m0re scary.. haha.. wuN wAn it t0 cum tRue.. l0Lx..

wEnt t0 fifth auNt's hSe t0dae.. at bkt timAh..ytd skippEd luNch n dinnEr.. t0dAe skiPped bReakfAst n dinnEr.. hahaz.. c0z whEn i w0ke uP was liKE 10+ le baz.. dEn pRepare t0 g0 all thAt.. by the timE we were ready jiu 12+ le hahaz.. dEn wenT t0 eAt fiRx.. kwAy chAp.. hahaz.. s0 l0ng nv eAt le..

hmm.. dEn after thAt g0 fifth auNt's hSe.. eAt agAin -.- din n0e sHE s0 faz jiu 0rder lunCh le mahz.. pizzaS.. yummy~! hahaz.. n lAksa.. which my gRandm0ther b0ught when shE wenT t0 tEmpLe prAy in tHE m0rnin.. aTe al0t.. fAt agAin le hahaz.. dEn my fIrz auNt as0 g0t g0 arx.. s0 xiu hAn as0 went al0ng.. wiF hEr bf.. bleah.. but xiuqi nv g0.. hahaz hE d0iN hiS final yr pr0jeCt mahz.. s0 nv g0t t0 see hiM.. den xiu han sAw h0w we ate aRx.. dEn shE sAid.. u eAt le den cum h0r.. still cAn eAt s0 muCh arx?? l0l.. sAe we really n0e h0w t0 eAt -.-

dEn after thAt we juz sAt aRd tHE tabLe.. n t0k.. ha..den l00ked tHRu thEir f0t0s as0.. g0t s0me f0t0s g0t mE whEn i wAs y0ung as0.. hahaz.. c0z g0t g0 thEir hSe mahz.. dEn went h0me at aRd 4+ s0 tiRed.. fell aslp 0n thE buS..s0 g0 h0me slp agAin.. hahaz..

initiaLLy wAnted t0 slp l0Nger de.. but dEn whEn i hEard my bAby c0usin cum lia0z i ruShed 0ut aRx.. hahaz.. sEE i miSS hiM s0 muCh hahaz... wEnt h0me f0r a wk he finAlly cum bAc le.. but.. he liKE.. abit diFF.. dun0 y as0 lehx.. hehex..

Saturday, February 12, 2005
~ 11:36 pm ~
***____s0 hAppy =>
hehex.. t0dae weNt huAy's hSe bai niAn..hehex.. rEach derE 12+ le hahaz.. at h0me i still dilly dally tiLL 11+ hahaz.. hmm.. hEr fAther quite entErtainin.. => kEpt luffin.. s0 l0nG time nv luFF till likE as0 le.. tHX~!! *muACkx* ah huAy =D

dEn wAn g0 0ut mahz.. c0z yEsterdae wh0le dae at h0me damn siAn.. hahaz.. but t0dae likE everyb0dy g0 bAi niAn likE thAt.. hahaz.. finAlly.. hahaz.. went 0ut wif chuAn li n j0linA.. g0 plAy p00l?? dEy taught mE =D s0 nice 0f dEm.. i nV pAy s0mem0re hahaz.. an0ther *muAckx* t0 b0th 0f dEm hahaz..

after thAt went t0 w00dlands.. de Ring0 funfAir hahaz.. hmm.. tink aRd 6 reach dere?? l0Lx.. den stAyed dEre till 8+ t0 9?? in thE end i 0nli wEnt 0n thE terminAt0r =X hahaz.. dEn b4 g0in 0n thAt i wAs liKE.. wah.. likE n0 kiCk likE thatz... hahaz.. den g0 lia0z in tHE begininn as0 tink leng leng larx hahaz.. but dEn.. hahaz =S after thAt whEn it went fAster i wAs likE.. wh0a.. g0in t0 fly 0ut 0f my seat anytimE?? hahaz.. dEn kept kn0ckin int0 chuan li n j0lina?? s0rry~! hahaz.. after thAt b0th 0f dEm went 0n an0ther ridE dEn i dun wan g0 aRx.. hahaz.. =X i tAke thEir thinGS f0r dEm mahz.. hahaz.. k lArx.. tAke my thing n j0linA's bAg hahaz..

hmm.. thX ppl f0r t0dAe =D s0 l0ng timE nv eNj0y mesElf s0 muCh le hahaz *muAckx*~!! 0h yA.. thx f0r hElpin mE tAke my 0Ranges as0 hahaz.. i n0e i abit ma fAn arx.. hahaz

0h yA.. f0rg0t t0 sae.. sAw eLaine t0dae~!! hahaz.. s0mem0re in yew tEe t0ilEt hahaz =X hmm.. s0 l0ng nV see her le hahaz.. hmm.. sAw ah g0ng n jiEtiAn as0.. blEahz..

Friday, February 11, 2005
~ 1:42 pm ~
0kiEx.. fiRzly.. muz sAe hAppy CNY t0 aLL~!! hahaz.. t0dae n0 w0rk~!! startin w0rk 0n m0n.. s0 nice..ha.. evEn th0ugh g0t hAppy n uNhappY thiNGs happen.. n0t a gD stArt aRx.. l0Lx.. muz t0k abt chu yi fiRx hahaz..

eVery yr chu yi as0 sAme de aRx.. stAy at h0me.. wAit f0r ppL t0 cuM.. tiS yr m0re siAn.. my cl0seR c0usins came 0nli arD 4+..c0z dEy slept till 1+ arX.. hahaz.. dEy sh0u ye mahz..wAke up lia0z jiu watCh tV..till ppl cum lArx.. hahaz...hmmm...mayb tiS yr m0re speciAl baz.. c0z.. whEn everyb0dy came.. everythin was likE... s0 diff?? dun0 lehx.. thE cl0thes.. the wAy dey t0k.. aLL diff l0r.. dEn g0t 1 c0usin arx.. thE jia ling.. evEry yr cum dun t0k t0 uS much de.. tiS yr cum aRx..kEpt t0kin t0 mE 0.o abit sh0cked arx..den f0und 0ut she w0rkin n0w as0.. she waitin f0r 'A' lvls resuLts arx.. den we t0k abt w0rk.. t0k abt haiR.. basically t0k abt al0t 0f thiNgs.. dEn whEn eatin thE shark fins she as0 t0k..dEn muz b thE p0lite h0st mahz.. she eAt den i eAt.. bLeah..

dEn all thE aunTs.. wah... 180 degree chnge sia.. cuM lia0z aLL sAe.. "wah.. cann0t rec0gniSe u.. s0 pretty.. u dAre t0 wEar tiS kinD 0f cl0thes arx??" huhz.. but bEst thinG waS.. dEy nv t0k abt anythin 0n sCh00l.. hahaz.. my muMMy sAe bc0z dEy g0t sc0lded by my daddy n ah ma 0r t0kin abt "shu" tHE laz few yRs arX.. hahaz.. s0 dey dun dAre t0 ask abt it 0n CNY lia0z haaz.. s0 gd..

dEn 1 0f my an0ther c0usins came.. br0ught hEr bf al0ng wif hEr.. dEn all my aunS said t0 uS.. "nxt tiME u wAn gEt m0re ang ba0z learn fRm xiuhan.. g0 t0 bf's hSe gEt ang ba0s frm relatives.. den cum here can gEt m0re ang ba0z as0" l0Lx..

dEn my cl0Se c0usin came le.. wAit f0r HEr finish eatin lia0z den we went 0ver t0 hEr hSe.. c0z it wAs juz a few bLks awae.. hEr br0s came al0ng as0.. hehex.. g0t tHE Vcd Mars frm her.. n a few issues 0f Pink as0.. hehex.. den stAyed at hEr hSe watCh tv f0r awhiLe b4 g0in h0me.. chnn 5.. Dennis tHE menace hmm.. the b0y bEry cuTE~!! hahaz.. but hE did all s0rt 0f n0tti thiNgs arx.. hahaz..

den went bac h0me stiLL g0t mAny ppL -.- 0h yA.. 4g0t t0 mEnti0n.. my xiuqi c0usin stiLL as shuAi as evA ^^ hahaz..tiNk he tiS yr 20 lia0z.. hahaz.. shuAi gE.. hmm.. tiS yr we din t0k much as0.. hahaz.. c0z bu sh0u le mahz.. n0t likE laz timE.. everytime cum my hSe play.. hahaz...f0und 0ut hE enterin aRmy tiS yr le.. bleah.. hmm.. g0t an0ther c0usin fElix.. he entered aRmy lia0z.. an0ther shuAi gE.. but hE alwaes bully me laz time arx.. s0 duN really likE him tt muCh as0.. hahaz.. 20 as0.. but he entered laz yR de baz.. after c0mpletin hiS 'A's..

dEn aRx.. sth happEned at nitE aRz.. luCky g0t xiuhan's bF.. iF n0t aRx.. mayb i'd b at my uncLe's funEral lia0z -.- hE draNk t00 muCh le.. s0mem0re iS marteLL alm0st wh0le b0ttle.. den afTEr thAt still drink carlsberG.. dey sae tiS 2 cann0t mix arx.. bleahz.. dEn likE everyb0dy leave lia0z except f0r uS n xiuhan's family.. dEn s0.. embarrassin as0.. c0z hEr bf firx time cum hEre arx.. dEn see tiS kinD 0f thing as0.. bleah.. but really felt s0rry f0r my uNcLe arx.. hmm.. can 0nli sae gd luCk t0 him arx.. den aftEr tis incident arx.. thE wh0le family's impressi0n 0f xiuhan's bf wAs like.. wah~! din n0e he s0 str0ng as0 de.. can h0ld him bac.. den it t00k likE.. 4 t0 5 guyS t0 piN my uncle dwn as0.. in the end called bac an0ther tw0 uncles as0.. c0z dey very str0ng de arx.. den b/w thE tw0 0f dem jiu can tAke my uncle h0me lia0z.. surprisinly..my neighb0urs din n0e abt de wh0le c0mm0ti0n.. mayb dey werent h0me baz.. hahaz.. see.. da niAn chu yi jiu likE thAt lia0z.. biG scaRe f0r the wh0le family sia~~

hahaz.. den chu er went t0 my gRandma's hSe.. hahaz.. my thiRd uncle n third aunt dEre as0.. dEn my mummy wiShed my thiRd uncle gEt married s00n.. hahaz.. den i as0 g0t xiang ta bai nian.. hahaz.. t0ld him t0 gEt a wife s00n as0.. den tell him thE reas0n: i wAn ang bA0 frm him~!! hahaz.. he get married lia0z me jiu haf m0re ang ba0s le =p hahaz.. dEn my third aunt.. seemed.. abit diff.. dun0 y as0.. hahaz.. dEn we sat int he livin r00m wif my uncle watched vCds.. hahaz.. all m0vies arx.. dEn bian watch bian t0k l0r.. hahaz.. luv t0kin t0 my third uncle m0st de arx.. c0z tink he's de 0nli 1 i can b s0 mEi da mei xia0 hahaz.. =X

dEn my fifth aunt came arx.. but n0 ang ba0z.. hahaz.. c0z she laz yr g0t death in her family.. den small aunt as0.. bleahz.. but my small aunt nv g0.. =( make me miSs mY baby c0usin s0 much.. l0lx.. after that fifth aunt sent uS h0me l0r..

Tuesday, February 08, 2005
~ 11:41 pm ~
***____nEw yR's evE..
yupz.. t0dae 1/2 day w0rk.. cann0t sae halfdae as0 larx.. g0 dere slack hahaz.. uSed mSn b0 lia0z chat wif iAn -.- s0.. after w0rk g0t c0mpany's reuni0n lunch~!!

tiNk mE m0st fuLL de arx.. dey everythin as0 sh0ve t0 mE.. tiNk destr0y my imgAe as0 ax.. i'm supp0sed t0 b thE quiEt littlE gEr.. hahaz..but aRz.. my "laughin diSease" acted uP.. kept luffin.. n0t my fault arx.. aLL pauL's fault.. makE me luff.. veRy l0ng timE nv luff tiLL likE thAt le.. hahaz.. c0z he kePt insistin thAt tHE dessErt abit bitter.. dEn we all kept insistin thAt iS swt.. s0 many ppl against hiM.. likE bullyin liKE thAt.. n0t 0nli thAt ar.. hahaz.. kEpt inSistin 0n al0t 0f thinGs.. quite cutE larx.. de wAy he t0k.. esp when hE sae h0kkiEn hahaz.. den thE exprEssi0n 0n hiS face.. all very funny..

but very sa0 xiNg arx.. humph.. cann0t dun tinK t00 muCh.. mayb puSh 1 pr0b asiDe.. an0ther 1 cum al0ng..see.. my daddy tiS few daes bzi.. nv tAke caRe 0f hiS health.. diabEtes actEd up.. n0w lEg sw0llen.. saw a d0c t0dae.. d0c adviSe him g0 h0spitaL.. hE dun wan.. at leaSt.. HE sae till after CNY?? tiS is stupiD.. laz dae 0f thE yr as0 n0 pEace wan.. daddy aSk mum n0t t0 tell.. tinK he dun wan uS t0 w0rry.. mum juz t0Ld me anyway.. humph.. tiS is gEttin bAd.. he waS 0readi admitted t0 h0spital 2 timEs lia0z.. n0w g0 jiu 3rd timE.. same pr0b i tiNk.. stupid stupid stupid...

had reuni0n dinner.. tiS yr n0 unCle hahaz.. gd.. had stEamb0at.. yummy~!!! veRy bzi even when i gEt h0me.. had t0 clear 0ut friDge put th0se drinks iN f0r tmL..dEn daddy w0rkplace dere take l0ts 0f fl0wers n vegetables again.. hahaz... gave s0me t0 uncle.. have s0me t0 0ur malay neiGhb0ur as0.. c0z she walk pAst.. sun bian l0r.. hehex.. n0w bery tired.. hahaz.. l00kin 4ward t0 tml.. de f00d.. hahaz =X

weLL.. tml cNy mahz.. dun p0ur c0ld water le.. happy neW yR t0 all~!!

Monday, February 07, 2005
~ 11:19 pm ~
hee.. t0dAe aftEr w0rk.. wEnt al0ne t0 chinat0wn?? actually g0 dere finD my br0's waTerb0ttLe 0nLi.. c0z he wAn thAt b0ttLe frm 0G.. hahaz.. dEn wAlked pAst th0Se pLaces sellin cl0theS arX... c0udnt rEsist thAt.. thAt puLL.. hahaz.. itS was pullin mE.. seri0usly =Pp s0 b0ught 3 cl0thes in the end.. aLL frm diff pLaces hahaz...

duN0 wass happenin t0 mE as0..tiS fEw dAys.. itS eitHEr tAke tRaiN miSs de st0p.. 0r tAke wr0ng tRain?? wiF frEnz 0r n0 fRenz as0 likE thAt.. sia0 lia0z -.- likE t0dAe.. dun0 wad i tinkin arx.. g0 chinat0wn ritE.. shld b tAke thE tRain g0in t0wArds pasir riS.. take wr0ng 0ne.. reach rEdhiLL den reaLiSed... idi0tic.. tiS fEw daes likE g0in ard in a dazE likE thAt.. g0t a few timEs cr0ss the r0ad.. suddenLy feel an uRge t0 juz stand dEre n n0t m0ve?? sia0... =X

mayb g0 al0ne betta as0.. can fAster g0 h0me.. cAn tRy t0 s0rt 0ut wass in my miNd?? hee.. yupx.. tmL nian chu xi.. c0mpany g0t s0me s0rt 0f reuni0n lunch as0.. muz g0~!! c0z iS at restAurant.. sAw tHE name 0f diShes... yummY lia0z hahaz.. tink le jiu liu k0u shui hahaz..

Sunday, February 06, 2005
~ 7:08 pm ~
dun0 y.. juz finiShed eAten dinnEr.. shLd be quiTE fuLL.. s0 y aM i feeLin huNgry.. s0 bAd.. still feeLin s0 tiRed.. duN wiSh t0 d0 anythiN.. juZ feel likE slpiN.. n sLpin.. g0t sc0Lded by piG k0r.. f0r sLpin s0 muCh.. -.- sLp 0nli.. if n0t d0 wAd.. i'd rAther slp n n0t tiNk 0f anythiN... dAn b aWake n luAn luAn xiAng.. bleAhz.. lAter still nd t0 g0 0ut buY s0me thiNgs.. duN feeL likE g0in lehx -.-

tiNk i n0e y u sAid wAd u sAid le.. i'm 0nLi guEssin.. mAyb am juz tinKin t00 much agAin..

~ 12:40 am ~
***____dAddy bzi~~
hehex.. t0dae g0 fiNd mY daddy aRx.. hahaz.. g0 tAke frM hiM s0me niAn huA?? hahaz.. c0z tiS few days he n0t cumin h0me aRx.. stAy ere t0 w0rk.. kE lian~~ every time nearin cNy as0 liKE thAt aRx.. hmm.. deN ytD chuAn li asked me t0dae wAn g0 iCe skAtin an0tx aRx.. s0 cann0t g0 -.- hahaz.. but nVm laRx.. i miSs my daDdy mahz.. hahaz =P

but aRx.. 1 bAd thiNg iS thAt aRx.. hAf t0 wAke uP eArly aRx.. c0z my grandm0ther l0r.. duN wAn t00 late g0 aRx.. dEn hAf t0 wAke up at 10+~!! s0 tiRed lehx.. dEn n0 appetiTe t0 eAt my luNch as0.. s0 bAd.. c0z i see tHE chicken riCe i sian dia0 arx.. thAt staLL shLd sErve b0neleSS chiCken de aRx.. dEn i see g0t b0nEs arx.. suDDenly diN feel likE eatin anym0re.. bleah.. dEn reACh dere wAs likE 0readi 1+??

wah..c0mpaRed t0 thE 0thEr timE whEn wE g0 aRx.. iS likE.. s0 s0 diffEreNt l0Lx.. thAt timE wAs likE.. n0t many thinGs.. n0t many ppL.. t0dAe g0 aRx.. wAh.. thE plaCe was likE buStlin wif activitY l0rx..ppL unl0adin g00ds.. evErywhere pAcked wif g00ds.. l0Lx.. we din stay f0r l0ng.. juz paSSed my daddy hiS things.. t00k thE niAn huA.. dEn g0 h0mE?? l0Lx.. i wAs liKE s0 slpY 0n thE bus l0rx.. but duN dare t0 slp aRx.. c0z scAred will miSs thE bus st0p 0r sth.. dEn saw my sis's fRenz.. s0 n0isy.. hahaz.. dEy wEnt.. "0ei gRace.." t0k t0k t0k.. den silEnce.. dEn "0ei gRace" again.. asked tiS asked tHAt.. hahaz.. shLd haF askEd dEm hElp us caRRy thE niAn huAs bac h0me.. hahaz..gd mahz likE thAt.. g0t 3 guyS hElp uS take..l0Lx..

rEach h0me bery slpy aRx.. ard 3+ lia0z.. den g0 slp till.. like.. erm..tink 6+ hahaz.. duN feel like gettin uP as0 arx.. hahaz.. but cann0t.. bEry hungry hahaz.. yePz.. dEn watChed tV till n0w l0rx..

Saturday, February 05, 2005
~ 1:08 am ~
hahaz... shAll uPdate abt yEsterdae n t0dae.. hahaz..kz.. s0 s0me uPz n dwNs.. shAll t0k abt the uPs firz 0f c0z...

03 Feb 05, Thursday

hehex.. wEnt 0ut wiF xia0hui t0DAe~~!! s0 l0ng nv see her le.. hahaz..0k.. s0 after w0rk jiu g0 0rcharD fiNd hEr.. hAf t0 wAlk t0 fAr eAst find hEr.. ah huAy: i n0e h0w t0 g0 dEre le.. hahaz.. we wAlked frm 1 end t0 the 0ther but we diN tuRn in at CK tAng dere?? l0Lx.. 0k.. s0 g0 dere fiNd xiA0hui..n shE wAs wif hEr FREN ******~!!! shuAi gE w0r~!!!!!!!!!! hahaz.. really very shuAi lehx.. hahaz.. but g0t gF le aRx -.- n xia0hui saE hiS gf bery striCt wif hiM wan.. dEy cum 0ut shE as0 dun0.. hahaz.. c0z hE wan xia0hui buy riNg f0r hiM?? hahaz.. sAme agE as uS... th0ugh initially i t0ught he l00ks abit 0Lder..?? l0Lx.. den he sAe i l00k likE 14 yR 0ld at fiRx glance lehx.. tt mEans i still cute rite hahaz :P anyway reach dere n0t l0ng xia0hui sae wan g0 buGis~!!! humph.. waSte my tRansp0rt farE siA.. n0w aduLt fAre lia0z lehx.. but hahaz.. nvm larx..at least g0t sEE tiS shuAi ge *w0rth it* =X hahaz.. but he nv g0 wiF us t0 buGis arx hahaz.. c0z he wAn g0 play s0ccer?? hahaz..

dEn mE n xia0hui g0 buGis wAlked arD.. t0k abt maNy things?? hahaz.. i tiNk we t0k m0re daN l00k aRd arx hahaz..

dEn aftEr thAt we g0 h0me?? n0n0.. g0 yEw tEE eat firx hahaz.. g0 mAcd0naLd hahaz.. eAt liA0z jiu g0 h0me.. hahaz.. bEry tired.. hahaz

04 Feb 05, Friday

hahaz.. 0k.. t0dae tAke haLfdae 0ff g0 sP.. hahaz.. initially iS 0nli mE n yunjiE g0??? den aftEr thAt add in xia0 hui??? dEn yunjie sae she cann0t make it? s0 left me n xia0hui hahaz.. den asKed my ah g0ng cuM "sP t0ur guide" j0El cum 0ut hahaz.. dEn i-liN camE.. hahaz.. dEn aftEr thAt yunjiE saE she cumin as0??? wif hEr fren.. tink iS yuEn l0ng 0r sth hahaz.. walked ard f0r abit hahaz.. g0 f00d c0urt it.. k larx the f00d 0k l0r.. n0t bad hahaz.. dEn wEipEi j0ined uS?? hahaz.. 4g0t hu she g0t my n0. fRm aR.. but anyw shE came larx hahaz.. frm 2 ppL t0 s0 manY ppL l0l..wEipEi bEry n0isY~!! hahaz.. but nvm larx i likE.. hahaz.. s0 nice t0kin t0 her.. can luff till i st0mach pAin h0r hahaz.. i am thE ANGEL n sHE iS tHE guAi 1 hahaz :P

anyway after thAt stAnd 0utside de dunn0 where t0k t0k?? den in thE end weipEi went 0ff fiRx.. den after thAt mE, xia0hui, ah g0ng n jiEtiaN went t0 causeway pt?? tHE rest went h0me 0r 0ther place hahaz.. 0h yA.. i 4g0t t0 mEnti0n.. ah g0ng's hAir bEry styLe seh~!! bery nice w0r.. fr0nt fRinge dEre kiNda 0f likE greenish thAt type?? hahaz shuAi larx.. my ah g0ng mahz.. hahaz.. if n0t where will haf tiS ke ai de sun nu?? hahaz :P hE as0 quite vAin aRx.. weAr c0ntActs lia0z stiLL weAr spEcts.. l0Lx..

anyway we went causeway.. but mE n xia0hui walked aRd l0r.. den ah g0ng n jiE tian went 0ff l0rx.. hahaz.. dEn g0 m0S buRger eat arx.. sAw xia0 hui's fRen.. den saw jietiAn.. n hiS gf hahaz.. 0k.. den ah g0ng sae he meetin s0me1 at 6pm g0 watch m0vie mahz haha.. den saw him.. wif valerie?? l0Lx.. humph.. nv wAtch m0viE wif mE *angry* hahaz.. anyway aftEr thAt saw j0nathAn as0 aRx.. l0Lx.. dEn xia0 hui sAe i liKE t0dae bEry zhun hahaz.. c0z i sAid scarLy we tAke tHE same Rain as ah g0ng t0 sP arx.. but in thE end n0 lArx.. at leAst is saMe trAin wif i-lIn hahaz.. den whEn we g0 causeway i sAe scaRly see j0nathan dere.. c0z laZ time as0 g0t see him dEre.. 0n a fri as0.. hahaz.. den really lehx hahaz..

0h yA.. g0t a neW dEar dEar hahaz :P he's j0nathAn~!! hahaz.. but 0nLi play play 0nli larx.. c0z when i see him i sAe g0t miSS me an0t?? i s0 cute rite?? hahaz =X den aftEr thAt hE sAe shLd b i mISs him?? hahaz.. den i sAe if hE g0t miSs me den i miSS him l0r.. hahaz.. den hE sae i miSs him dEn b hiS gf l0r.. hahaz.. den i sae 0k den call him bf hahaz.. den wah.. saE s0 many muShy things whICh i tiNk i wun evEn sae if hE my reaL deAr dEar arx hahaz.. wAh.. if he g0t gF n shE n0es aRX.. she's g0in k mE sia.. l0Lx.. 0k.. t0dae had an enj0yabLe dAe hahaz.. 0n tHE 0vErall laRX.. but lemme p0ur s0me c0ld waTEr c0z i still feel n0t thAt happY -.-

i dUn wAn evErythiN t0 cuM t0 an eNd juZ liKE tHAt.. but i hAf n0 ch0ice as0 riTe.. yEsterdae nitE send mE tHAt stupiD mSg den i t0dae wAke uP 1st thinG sEE is thAt mSg.. my appetite g0ne.. everythiN g0ne.. i cant p0ssibLy sAe n0 t0 wAd u sAe riTex... wAd t0 d0 but pr0miSe u.. stiLL feel tErribLe afTEr tHAt wh0le thing.. and u aSked me t0 keep it t0 mysElf?? humph.. s0 wAd if u sae s0rry.. 1 w0rd s0rry can s0lve thE wh0le thinG?? s0 wAd if u n0e u r sElfish?? huhz.. evEn aftEr u pr0mised wAd u pR0miSe i stiLL feel tHE barrier's dEre.. h0w t0 gEt thru t0 u.. tell me pLz.. i still dun wAn thiNgz t0 liKe juz end hEre see.. wAd can i sae..dere's n0 pt f0r mE t0 say anythin anym0re as0 le..dun t0k le.. i wAn g0 slp le.. s0 damn tIred..

Wednesday, February 02, 2005
~ 10:14 pm ~
***____mY dAddy luV uS~!!
hehex... sEE.. my daDDy b0ught liKE s0 mAny m0re pAckets 0f piStachi0s?? n thAt dun0 wAd xiA mi tiA0 hahaz.. hE n0es wE luV t0 eAt thE piStachi0s mahz.. den tHAt wh0le bottLe liKE alm0st eAt finiSh le *thAt's y mY s0re thr0at haben g0ne awae??* hehex.. but my mummy sAe hE wan uS diE =S hahaz.. c0z shE n0e wE wun b aBle t0 st0p eatiN thAt hahaz.. :P *muAckx* hahaz..

0h yA.. t0dAe sAw my shuAi ge~!! hahaz.. t0dAe eArly f0r w0rk arx.. turnEd 0ut b0ss lAte.. den haf t0 wAit f0r mr tAy t0 cum hahaz.. den saw thE shuAi ge l0r.. c0z i wAs sittin 0utsiDe mahz.. hehex..

bleahz.. i n0e u r still hidin sth frm mE see.. n0t thAt i sayin u're a liAr.. but plz.. plz mean wAd u sAe?? u r n0t sayin everythin.. :P

Tuesday, February 01, 2005
~ 9:57 pm ~
***____b0 lia0z
2nd entry 0f the dae: feelin s0 s0 s0 b0 lia0z n0w.. surfin ard.. takin s0me 0nline quizzes?? =S

You are 73% Scorpio

How much do you match your zodiac sign?

~ 6:37 pm ~
hehex.. t0dAe s0 gD.. mY shuAi ge 0pEn n hEld de d00r f0r mE~!! hahaz.. s0 gD ritEx.. quite suRpriSed as0 aRx.. hahaz.. dEn luNch timE as0 sAw hiM.. tinK he cumiN bAc frm lunCh?? blEahz..

anyway t0Dae quite 0k larx.. n0t s0 siAn.. c0z whEn b0ss t0kin t0 iAn abt hiS expEriEnces?? i wAs liKE... liStenin?? hehex.. hmmm.. dEn as0 liKe g0t uSe sMs quite al0t aRx.. s0 n0t thAt siAn hahaz..

wAh.. den cum bAc h0me s0 siAn.. feel likE slpin aRx hahaz.. hmmm... dEn xia0 hui sAe mayb wan chNge tml's mEEtin t0 thuRs?? humph.. duN feel likE chngin lehx.. but nvm larx.. zAi shu0 baz.. hahaz..

0n the wAy h0me sAw 1 dunn0 wAd advertisEment 0n tV m0biLe arx... de siNger sang de "he ri jun zai lai".. thAt s0ng reminded me 0f my ah g0ng arx.. i mEan my reaL ah g0ng larx.. n0t j0eL.. whEn hE wAs still aLive aRx.. hE luV thAt s0ng al0t aRx.. everytiMe siNg thAt s0ng.. stiLL miSs him al0t s0metimeS as0.. see.. diN tReasuRe him whEn hE wAs aRd.. hE wAs de 1 hu bR0ught mE t0 sCh whEn i wAs y0ung whenevA my mummY n0t fRee.. dEn i dun0 4 wAd reAs0n alWays gEt irritAted wif him.. blEahz.. n0w wAn get irritaTed at him as0 n0 chancE le.. am0ng my paternaL n matErnal gRandpaRents.. hE's de cl0sest t0 mE lia0z.. n0w g0ne f0r s0 l0ng lia0z... still regret laz timE nv treat him betta..

bleAhz.. dun t0k abt tiS lia0z.. g0 eAt betta..

about me

___**yAn yAn
___**26 0ct 1988

leave a note



;aH bEng
;aH bEt
;aH biNg
;aH sEng
;aH xiA

;aH huAt
;aH huAy
;aH pAt
;anG ru
;b00n wee
;chEng hAn
;jiNg xiAng
;PenG yu
;shEng l0nG
;wEe kiAn
;wEi hAo
;Xia0 hui
;y0u chEng
;Yu qiAn
;Yun jiE


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