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Sunday, November 22, 2009
~ 11:37 am ~
Its been a long time since i blogged. really long. but just this once. for him.

he was in the US for a 6 months training. He was due to be back some time next month. yet, he came back earlier than expected, but not in a way anybody would want and would have expected.

I didnt get to know him until sec 3, when we were in the same class. he was the sort who made lessons more interesting, if you know what i mean. He was a great friend.

I still remember, during the SARs period, when i was confined at home, he would always help me get my hwk for me and pass to me. Not forgetting the period near 'O' levels, when i "disappeared" from school. The teachers gave practice papers. He would get an extra copy and pass it to me.

i will never forget the countless times whereby he would come and sit beside me during lessons. even when the teachers ask him to go back to his seat, he wou
ld simply say, "i cannot see the whiteboard, i forgot to bring my glasses."

and the times when he teased me.
he was one of those who called me "rabbit!". he loved teasing girls. and the times when he would do funny things to make people laugh.

Ah, not forgetting the time whereby we got a free trip to night safari, in courtesy of his dad, who works there, and then getting a ride home after that since i lived so near him. i'm sure many people will not forget that, since its the first time outside of school such a big group went out together.

he was smart, especially good at maths, and if i did not remember wrongly, science. because i remember him teaching me some maths when i did not understand.

we drifted after graduation. he went to JC and i went to poly (haha! i drifted not only from him, but all my sec sch frens). though we did chat occasionally on msn.

he went on to sign on as a regular in the airforce, a step nearer to his dream - becoming a pilot.

and then suddenly, he was gone. gone. just like that.

On Nov 16, 2.10am (SG time), he met with a car accident in the US.
9 hours later, he was gone.

when i received the news that night, i was shocked. speechless. Too sudden. because just the day before, he was still active on facebook.

just last month, we were still wishing each other happy birthd
ay on fb. nobody would have guess that less a month later, he would be taken away.

Even though we have drifted apart, it still hit me quite hard. For the past week, couldn't really concentrate on mugging for my exams. my mind kept drifting to him. something kept drawing me back to his fb page. looked through his photos countless times. he was happy. the tears would come then.

its so heart wrenching to know that, his fb page will be there forever. but it will not be logged in by him anymore. so heart wrenching when you know that you will never see him anymore, nor receiving birthday wishes from him, no more chats.

the number of grieving hearts he left behind are countless. he's the only son. His family, his gf, his friends, he was taken away from so many people.

why, why him of all people. he was young, he was fit, he was on
the way to achieving his dreams, he still has yet to go for a degree, yet to start a family and yet he was taken away so early.

i dreamt of him a few nights ago, something i did not tell anybody. i dreamt he came back and said it wasnt him in the car. he wasnt inside when it happened. and all of us scolded him for making us worry. at least it was happy ending inside the dream.

went to his wake yesterday. got to see him for the first and last time in this few years. feel very 遗憾 that could not send him off on tomorrow, since i would be in the middle of exams.

Zhihao (a.k.a Cheeseman), Thank you for being my friend, and goodbye. I will never forget your unique laughter, and the times we shared. You will always live on in our memories, loved by all, missed by all. Hope you are somewhere happy now.

my deepest condolences to his family and gf, and everybody who knows him.

am glad that at the very least, he lived his dream.

can you feel the love and all the misses from us?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
~ 8:42 pm ~
how it is possible that the boss cares more for the son than the mother for son?

why is it that at this point in time the mother still behaves like this?

the saying that nobody is born evil - i dont believe that is true.

because there's a really evil woman living in my house.

the trip to china will be fully paid by the boss.

hopefully they go.

and hopefully the evil woman will leave us alone.

stupid evil woman. how things can be twisted to her being correct when she's wrong.

how can you twist the truth? not like there are no witnesses.

then again. whatever she says are correct. EVEN if they are wrong. the sons will twist it such that it is correct.

if what sis said was a lie, why do you have to get so agitated?

how i wish she will be the one going with him.

but then again.. how can she leave when her darling daughter is here?

my poor mummy.

Friday, March 27, 2009
~ 7:33 pm ~
hmmm... juz took tis quiz.. find it quite interesting.. n true!!


anyway.. tdy my dar's bday! happy 21st bday to him! lol.

ok.. shall go back to my F4 now..

Your Burger Says That You are Gluttonous

You are very gluttonous. Even if you're full, you'll still clear your plate.

You are bold and resolute in your choices. You don't back down, and you aren't afraid to go at something full force.

You are a very open eater. You like many types of tastes, and you'll eat just about anything.

You are straightforward, honest, and ambitious. You tend to be direct about what you want when it comes to food.

You are emotional. You have a big heart, and you tend to go for comfort foods.

You have trouble making decisions quickly. Everything looks good to you... especially at a restaurant.

You are creative, open minded, and friendly. You are interested in all types of food and new dishes.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
~ 9:18 pm ~
one more shot..

and he would have been dead

Sunday, January 18, 2009
~ 9:48 pm ~
***____Long Time
It's been a long time since i blogged. Still have got 1 unposted entry sitting in my drafts. lazy to blog about it.. keep dragging.. and dragging.. and dragging... that's y till now you havent seen anything about it =x

so now i decided! Not to post up that entry anymore!! too lazy le.. Photos were edited and uploaded.. hmm but still have more photos left to edit.. so.. not blogging about it le.. hehe.

work these days.. quite alright lor.. sometimes the days pass quite slow (nth to do).. but at times pass super fast also.. aiyo.. think of so many unclosed items abit sian lor..

went to REC the other day for audit.. wah.. the office there like 5 to 6 times bigger than wyeth's site current office. Everything there also nicer.. still got water purifier somemore.. haha.. work station more privacy also.. i like.. k la.. abit small.. but enough to squeeze me in with my colleague. kinda cosy..

CNY is coming.. cant say i really look forward to it though.. all the kpos =.- rather hole up in my room play facebook games.. muahaha.. call me antisocial.. BUT BUT BUT i looke forward to the food though.. haha..

Those ppl who have nt seen me for a long time.. i PUT ON ALOT of weight le.. like 50+ going on to 60kg now... haha..

If you believe me.. =P

ok i'm going back to pac my room.. only managed to finish packing my table.. cabinet still full of my old stuff.. dont feel like throwing away leh.. i become garang guni suan le..

Sunday, November 02, 2008
~ 12:35 pm ~
16 Nov is now.. the post might be dated quite sometime ago.. pictures from.. like 2 or 3 weeks ago. =x uploaded quite some time ago.. but din get round to blogging tis entry - t.o.o l.a.z.y!

in office

with Mel, my student from NYP! same course some more! muahaha.

ehm.. my bday! pleasantly surprised. =) touched wor ^^

lunch w dar. at some jap restaurant at millenia walk. i forgot the name! sashimi's nice! nicer thn waraku.. price wise.. more exp also.. cannot afford to go dere often.. spent over 100 bucks dere.. hmm.. or we eat too much? hmmm.. din post all though.. too many alr =x

crystal jade. with dar again.. c.. i getting fatter n fatter.. NOW YOU KNOW WHY!

with dearest ^^

will get even more fatter over the next few weeks.. Nov is a busy month.. what with wedding dinner and bday dinners and company dnd!! i'm broke since the beginnin of nov.. hoho..

Saturday, September 27, 2008
~ 9:48 pm ~
***____last lunch with fat Bing's before his enlistment
Heh, i know tis entry's long overdued.. tdy si fat bing coming out alr den i blog abt the lunch =x anyway that day we went to Tao's restaurant for the lunch.. still v lazy to blog.. so.. pictures enuf ba =x

starters: bacon & mushroom gratin

free flow bread

beng's fruit salad

prawn roll with pork floss

mushroom soup. Ok i like tis alot. heh

drinks: ice summer peach tea & ice grape mallow tea

beng's steak

my lamb cutlet.. hmm.. i prefer the steak though =x

hmm.. baked prawns

chocolate fondue..

creme brulee

Food there was alright for that price.. haha.. u cant possibly expect it to be really that fantastic mah.. but for that price.. it alright alr ^^ cheap n nice

anyway, after that we went to watch Make It Happen.. the movie was.. hmm.. abit boring.. except for the dancing part. heh. After that went to Marina Square's Hotpot for dinner.. no photos, though.. Heh.. BING's BOTAK ALR.. muz send fotos!!! sure look super fat =x

Sidetracked abit.. Marche @ vivocity.. went w dar.. hmm.. the food is quite nice.. but i heard comments that tis not nice at all.. and need to wait v long for food.. 

heh.. probably the timing i went.. was in the morning... when the ingredients are still fresh... and also because.. NOT PEAK HOUR!! so the food's nice.. 

Went back 2 times.. 1st time round didnt take any fotos.. heh.. but of all.. i like the Rosti best!! yumyum.. duno wad they do with the potato.. hoho...

Smoked Salmon Rosti

grilled sea bass.. fresh.. yummy.. still like the rosti better though =x

Pure Orange juice!!! i watched them make tis de okies.. all they used was oranges.. no plain water! 

I looked fat =x and growin fatter still! recently all i do is.. eat.. eat.. and eat!! cafes, desserts, ice coffees.. ='( maybe in a few mths time i will be like.. a balloon !! haha.. 

dar's gg in soon though, so probably wun balloon up.. cos no1 to b a glutton with =x

about me

___**yAn yAn
___**26 0ct 1988

leave a note



;aH bEng
;aH bEt
;aH biNg
;aH sEng
;aH xiA

;aH huAt
;aH huAy
;aH pAt
;anG ru
;b00n wee
;chEng hAn
;jiNg xiAng
;PenG yu
;shEng l0nG
;wEe kiAn
;wEi hAo
;Xia0 hui
;y0u chEng
;Yu qiAn
;Yun jiE


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